great b2 (2230389)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (1 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Grand Bungalow
Published Nov 24, 2009
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (36 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

The Mediterranean Concept
Published Aug 16, 2009
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About Me
Hi my name is Allie and I’m now in collage! I was born and raised a Yorkshire girl and if you dont know what that is your probably not from England!
I have fanilly gotten the sims 3, but I'm still really trying to find the time to play it. I have a very busy collage life and time just doesn't seem to be on my side. but every chance I get im thinking of new creations to make and send on here. Hopfully I will have some homes being put on soon.
My Latest Updates Show All
On Vacation! Hotels Public PC!Written Aug 01, 2009
Sorry guys I havn't posted a lot in a while its just I've been away from the computer for about 2 weeks and I will put my new set up on the internet as soon as Im home! I didn't bing any computers with me on my trip! Right now I'm on the Hotels public PC! lol Remember as soon as I get home!!! (about 5-6 days!) ...More
My TSR BdayWritten Jul 19, 2009
Im starting a new set iits going to be an urban, Town housey thing. I think its gonna look cute! Its going to have NO custom content and probably be about 3 to 5 homes! BUT I have been away for 5 days. I have to catch up! Im gonna start building! Thanks to all! ...More
New TSR downloading!Written Jan 09, 2009
Okay... I just wanted to tell every one that if you want to download any of my homes please use the GREEN arrow save it to your down loads, and take it out of the zip folder, and then turn on and off your game! Have fun with new TSR. Happy Simming! ...More
My Guestbook Show All
NINAWRFeb 20, 2012
Hi, Allie!
I think you are very creative and talented. I usually do not download lots, but when I saw the Old Lighthouse I was glad because I had been looking for something like that. Unfortunately, I couldn't place it on anywhere in Pleasantview or in the BV neighborhoods. I am wondering what neighborhood you used to build it as it looks like there is a beach behind it.
Your stuff has alot of attention to detail in them. You apparently take alot of time and care in creating them. In fact, I think the amount of great cc out there is astounding. There is an amazing population of creative people out there who do this because of the love of the game.
IllianaDec 23, 2009
Hi Allie! This holiday season I wish you joy, I wish you happiness, but most of all I wish you love! - Illiana
paramitiDec 21, 2009
Merry Christmas Allie!!!! paramiti~